The Best Wallet for Aragon

The Best Wallet for Aragon

MEW web is your perfect Aragon Wallet for managing and interacting with Aragon and its native ANT token. Our user-friendly interface enables you to effortlessly store, send, and receive ANT tokens while accessing Aragon's open-source DAO software. Our ANT wallet is available on desktop with a crypto wallet extension Enkrypt and on our mobile wallet MEW wallet!
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Install Mobile
ANT Wallet

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MEW wallet

Available for iOS and Android

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Install Browser ANT Wallet

Install Browser ANT Wallet

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available as an extension for your favorite browser

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Why MyEtherWallet is the best Aragon wallet in 2024?

checked arrow Swap crypto directly from your wallet.
checked arrow Manage multiple accounts on multiple networks
checked arrow Native staking options to earn more on your crypto.
checked arrow Our non-custodial wallets mean you own your crypto.
checked arrow Hodl you crypto in a wallet trusted by millions.

What is Aragon (ANT)?

Aragon is a project led by the community, aiming to empower freedom by developing tools that support decentralized governance. These tools make it easy for people to organize globally, without relying on middlemen. Aragon offers apps that are resistant to censorship and centralization.

ANT Market Data



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ANT Market Data



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View ANT Contracts

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